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(for ney, kemençe, viola and violoncello)


Performed by NK Ensemble, from the album titled "Lahza", Bilgi Music Label, 2018


Ney- Miase Bayramoglu Ömürlü
Kemençe- Nermin Kaygusuz
Viola- Ali Basegmezler
Violoncello- Gözde Yasar


Recorded and Mixed by Engin Daglık. 


Lahza-1 - Ney, Kemençe, Viola, Violoncello

Interlude - Violoncello solo

Lahza-2 - Ney, Kemençe, Viola, Violoncello

Interlude - Viola solo

Lahza-3 - Ney, Kemençe, Viola, Violoncello


Lahza means the smallest part into which time could be divided, “moment”. In this piece, there are several tiny moments which are stretched or frozen in all five sections of the piece. I concentrated on the timbral outcome of  makam tradition and the traditional instruments while creating these moments which manifest their own temporal identity. â€‹



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