site-specific sound performance
amplified flute, bassoon, trombone, viola and distributed speakers(16+1)
Binaural Audio - Please listen with headphones
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered at Bilkent Composition Electroacoustic Studio
Flute - Cem Önertürk (https://www.hezarfenensemble.com/cem-onerturk#!)
Bassoon - Ozan Evruk
Trombone - Cem Güngör
Viola - Deniz Çaglarcan (www.denizcaglarcan.com)
Audio Engineer - Özgün Tuncer (https://www.instagram.com/ozgun.tuncer/)
About the Piece
Wunderkammer is an ongoing project (ca. 40') which I have been producing for a
specific site (second floor of the music building at Bilkent University), since September, 2018.
This site-specific sound performance is based on my memory of the acoustics of the site perceived as a non-place. Since I have been thinking about this project, the most lasting idea is that I should create such a space that I can feel free while I am giving attention to the boundaries.
I assume this work as a production rather than just a composition. Therefore, I initially worked on the overall idea and organization of the production. I begin with putting the facts, boundaries on the table. Defining these boundaries led me to create a bendable
space which I can imply my current ideas. At the end, the production process is manifesting itself during the moment.
Imitating the Site
In order to work in a logical manner, I had to understand the physical realities about the site, regarding sound. Therefore, I tried to imitate the behaviour of the sound in the site. I ended up with creating a binaural environment which partially imitate the acoustics of the
building from the perspective of two ears positioned at the center.
I created an interface includes sixteen convolution reverbs, HOA library, ICST ambisonics, ableton live and some patches that I created. This interface led me to hear sounds which are filtered by the imitated acoustics of the site while I am writing the piece. At the same time, I can export the piece which is mixed and mastered for both binaural setup and 16+1 setup which was planned to distribute according to the site, regarding the practicality.
Therefore, I decided to produce two products that serve each other: 1-The performance itself 2-the binaural version of the performance for the album and the documentation of the project.
I am using scrolling score as a notation interface in order to create an efficient environment for performers while I can create a fixed scenario including live electronics and fixed tracks. In order to be flexible with transferring the ideas to the performers, I used both traditional notation and tablature notation. In both cases, I am also trying to
preserve the nature of the improvisation in a micro level.